Zombie Snatcher
Zombie Snatcher is a 6 player
zombie themed rotary game that has a footprint of most 1 player games. Players
use the zombie arm to time the knock off of the rotating ticket bundles.
Constant action and game play designed for all ages make this a timeless and top
earning game.
(E-Ticket Version)
(Ticket Dispenser Option)
- 6 Player rotary game
- Operator adjustable redemption or merchandising options
- Featuring ICE's new Automatic Prize Distribution System
with an intelligent RFID accounting system to achieve target payout
- Multiple payout and merchandising options available along
with 6 different programmable prize values
- 200 prize puck supply included
- Self programmable RFID case
- Operator chooses if prize puck is given to the player or
recycled into the prize distribution system
67" L x 67" W x 61" H
110V @ 6 amps / 220V @ 6 amps
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